Amplify & Ignite: Creative Practice in and With Communities

Hotel and Travel Schedule
Session Listings


The symposium will be held at 
Emerson College

March 21-23, 2025


Early Bird Rates End Saturday, February 1st

Non Member - $500
Student - $200
One Day - $125

AATE Member Rates:
(Select the tier that fits your budget)
Tier 1 - $350
Tier 2 - $300
Student - $200
One Day - $125

Register Here!

As we face an uncertain world with stark divisions and ruptures, what is our role as artists, educators, and scholars working with and across our multiple communities? How can and do the performing arts amplify community concerns, connections, and celebrations? What wisdom can be gleaned from the cultural brilliance at work and at play in our kitchens and backyards, subways and street corners, community centers and dance parties, classrooms and schoolyards? How can we center arts and culture in movements for local and global change? And what can we learn from sharing our questions, practices, and strategies while reflecting on our beautiful failures and inspiring successes? Join us at Emerson College in Boston for three days of workshops, panel discussions, presentations, working groups, and (most importantly!) dialogue about our questions, curiosities, and work at the intersection of performance, community building, education and justice. This intimate gathering of approximately 65 people will afford us the unique opportunity to foster long-term relationships while building our community of practice together.



Amplify & Ignite has received generous support from Emerson College's Academic Affairs, School of the Arts, Performing Arts Department, Graduate Studies, Social Justice Collaborative, Elma Lewis Center, and Theatre Education Graduate Association.