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AdvocacyAATE is a primary advocate for theatre education and theatre for young audiences in America. State Representatives of AATE advocate on a state and local level and keep our members aware of issues and events happening at the state level. Nationally, each year, AATE serves on the Legislative Planning Committee for National Arts Advocacy Day and attends alongside fellow national arts advocates to make legislators aware of the benefits of a complete and sustained education in the arts. AATE is also a member of Americans for the Arts Arts Education Advisory Council and the Arts Education Partnership Steering Committee. WE NEED YOU!
Arts ARE Education
To learn more about the campaign (and to sign the Pledge!), please visit here: https://www.artsareeducation.org. Be an #ArtsHero
There can be no full American economic recovery without an Arts & Culture Recovery. Be a part of the solution by calling your senator and local politicians or check out our action packet online! Be An #ArtsHero is in full support of any and all Arts relief legislation during this crisis. As an individual, you and your platform are invaluable. In essence, with your reach, you have the capacity to do just as much work spreading the word and making this movement go viral as an arts institution. Click HERE to learn more about how to get involved today!
Theatre In Our Schools Month Campaign March has been officially designated Theatre In Our Schools Month (TIOSM), the time for advocating for and celebrating the great benefits of theatre education for youth development. The purpose of TIOSM is to raise awareness of theatre education's power not only to raise SAT scores, reading comprehension, and academic achievement, but also to stimulate innovation and creativity among students, the very foundation of America's rise to greatness. This is also a time to remind our country’s citizens that all students should have access to quality theatre education in their lives. ResourcesHere is a list of national resources that can help you. We are not alone - there are fantastic organizations that make it easy to contact your legislators, get a proclamation passed and other cool advocacy action steps. Join AATE's Advocacy CommitteeAlongside our State Representatives, AATE members collaborate on ways to advocate - come together to voice a louder message. The committee meets via conference call four times per year. For more information contact AATE. |