All-Inclusive Fees Schedule



March 16-19, 2026

Atlantic Center for the Arts
New Smyrna Beach, FL

Are you dreaming about…

  • getting away with your creative team to plan for an upcoming production?

  • partnering with scholars and researchers for writing workshops and focused writing time?

  • being in community with other playwrights to share ideas and make headway towards a new draft?

  • gathering with other theatre educators for collaborative planning time? 

  • instigating creative artivism?

  • conceptualizing and planning an innovative new course or pedagogical practice?

  • collaborating in community with a cohort of artivists strategizing how we move forward in this tumultuous time?

We are looking for you! Join us for CREATE, a 4-day collaborative retreat for writers, playwrights, theatre artists and educators–anyone who needs a creative getaway to escape from or pause the noise of daily life in order to gather in a secluded haven to activate.

We invite 20 theatre artists, educators, and scholars to this all-inclusive (except for airfare) collaborative experience March 16-19, 2026 at the Atlantic Center for the Arts (ACA) in New Smyrna Beach, Florida.

All-inclusive Fee

Pay Deposit HERE

Your all-inclusive fee includes airport transfer from Daytona Airport, retreat registration, private room, and meals as follows:
  • 3-day creative workshops

  • 4 days/3 nights single-occupancy accommodation with private bathroom

  • Homemade meals: 3 breakfasts, 4 lunches, 4 dinners

  • A variety of activities including wine reception, yoga, game night, paint-and-sip

  • Use of wi-fi, bicycles, boardwalk and nature trails

 If you have any questions, please email [email protected]