getting away with your creative team to plan for an upcoming production?
partnering with scholars and researchers for writing workshops and focused writing time?
being in community with other playwrights to share ideas and make headway towards a new draft?
gathering with other theatre educators for collaborative planning time?
instigating creative artivism?
conceptualizing and planning an innovative new course or pedagogical practice?
collaborating in community with a cohort of artivists strategizing how we move forward in this tumultuous time?
We are looking for you! Join us for CREATE, a 4-day collaborative retreat for writers, playwrights, theatre artists and educators–anyone who needs a creative getaway to escape from or pause the noise of daily life in order to gather in a secluded haven to activate.
We invite 20 theatre artists, educators, and scholars to this all-inclusive (except for airfare) collaborative experience March 16-19, 2026 at the Atlantic Center for the Arts (ACA) in New Smyrna Beach, Florida.