Submission and Nomination Guidelines

Click to learn more about each individual award guidelines:

Research Award Submissions


We welcome submissions from a wide variety of research traditions that explore any topic related to educational theatre/drama, applied theatre, and/or theatre for young audiences. Additional information may be found HERE.


  • Open to members or non-members of AATE.
  • Theses and dissertations may be entered up to four years from their date of completion (This year, theses and dissertations completed between November 2021-November 2024 are eligible for submission).


Authors should submit the following materials to the Research Awards Chair by e-mail:

  • A cover page indicating the author's name, affiliation, address, phone number, e-mail address, study title and (for theses/dissertation) the name and contact information of the committee chairperson
  • A 1,200-1,500 word abstract of the master's thesis, doctoral dissertation, or research report, accompanied by a 2-page representative bibliography. The abstract must NOT include any identifying information related to the author of her/his university affiliation.
  • For theses and dissertations: a letter from the chairperson of the student's committee recommending the study for consideration.
  • The complete master’s thesis, doctoral dissertation, or research report as a PDF. The research completed document must NOT include any identifying information related to the author or their affiliation(s).

Each of the above should be attached as separate files to a single message and e-mailed to [email protected]. Only electronic submissions in MS Word (.doc or .docx) or PDF format will be accepted.

All complete studies must be submitted in a standard publication style format such as MLA, APA, or Chicago. For Distinguished Dissertation & Thesis Awards, all studies must be submitted as originally written and approved by the degree granting institution.

The study abstract should address explicitly as many of the following as are applicable, preferably in this order: (a) objectives or purpose; (b) perspective(s) or theoretical framework; (c) methods, techniques, or modes of inquiry; (d) data sources or evidence; (e) results and/or conclusions/point of view; and (f) educational or theoretical importance of the study.

Review Timeline:

  • All submissions must be received by 11:59pm PST on March 31, 2025.
  • Authors will be notified by April 16, 2025 as to if their submission will be advanced to full review for the award.
  • Finalists will be notified of award decisions by June 1, 2025. Award winners and (if applicable) authors receiving honorable mentions will celebrate their research at the annual AATE conference in Cleveland in July 2025.
    We invite all nominees to submit an article based on their research to the Youth Theatre Journal for potential publication.
Send all electronic submissions and requests for further information to:
[email protected]

Deadline: March 31, 2025

Judith Kase Cooper Honorary Research Award Nomination

Current AATE members may begin the nomination process by e-mailing the Research Awards Chair at [email protected] to indicate their intent to nominate a candidate for this award. A complete nomination package will consist of:

  • Current curriculum vitae of the nominee.
  • A minimum of four signed letters of support testifying to the nominee's significant international impact on the field's research (At least three letters must be from AATE members with established research reputations; at least one must be from an established scholar whose primary area of inquiry lies outside the field of theatre education or theatre for young audiences).
  • Additional required materials and the deadline for their receipt will be provided upon receipt of the intent to nominate e-mail.

Additional information may be found HERE.

Please note: The nominee may or may not be aware of the nomination. The Research Award Chair and jurors will hold all nominations in confidence. The nominators will be informed of the results by the Research Award Chair.

Deadline: March 31, 2025

Achievement Awards Nominations

Nominations for the Achievement Awards can be submitted electronically. Incomplete nominations may disqualify the nominee. A nomination packet must include the following (not to exceed twenty (20) print pages per packet):

  • Completed nomination form (To access the form, click HERE.)
  • Current curriculum vitae of the nominee and an outline or brief description of nominee's outstanding achievements
  • Three signed letters of support (one support letter must be written by an AATE member)
  • Relevant supporting materials (not to exceed six additional one-sided pages)

Please note: The Winifred Ward Scholarship and the Doyle Fellowship are reviewed by separate committees. For nomination guidelines for these awards, please click HERE.

Deadline: February 1, 2025

AATE Outstanding Undergraduate Student Award

Open to members or non-members of AATE, this award honors an undergraduate individual whose project or paper demonstrates superior effort in relation to the 2019 Conference Theme “AATE Activate”. TO APPLY CLICK HERE

Deadline: February 1, 2025

Distinguished Book And Play Nominations

Published or unpublished plays are permitted.

AATE Member Nomination Procedure
AATE members may nominate a book or play published in 2024 by completing the nomination form HERE. Please contact the Publisher and request that they provide an electronic copy of the publication, to [email protected], but for those who don't have electronic versions, please send seven (7) copies of the book or play for the committee to AATE's National Office, 700 Pennsylvania Ave SE, Washington, DC 20003Please notify Alexis Truitt if you have sent in any items to the office at [email protected]

Publisher Nomination Procedure
Established Publishers will receive a request for nominations and will be encouraged to send an electronic copy of the book or play, however, if an electronic version is not available they must send seven (7) copies of each published work they are nominating, a letter of intent including the award category, and a packing slip directly to the AATE National Office, 700 Pennsylvania Ave SE, Washington, DC 20003. For plays, each publisher may nominate up to three (3) plays in EACH category. Nomination packages must arrive at the AATE Office by the established deadline. Please send electronic items to Alexis Truitt, as well as notify her if you have sent any items to the office at [email protected]

Deadline: January 15, 2025 (Plays)

Deadline: February 1, 2025(Books)